Si je
m'inscris par mes mosaïques dans l'art de
l'ornement, ma démarche d'artiste
verrier vise, par la lumière qui
traverse mon travail, à déplacer
notre regard en nous même pour y retrouver l'émotion
de la beauté.
his unique ability to pursue perfection, each piece of Denoux’s
artwork is unique, as he will never repeat the same creation. Through his work,
he intends to touch our deepest emotions. One
of his particular signatures is the use of traditional and natural
materials. Combining these materials
with artisanal skills allows Denoux to renew ancient technique whilst giving
them a contemporary appeal. He considers his mosaic pieces a representation of
the art of ornamentation. In his stained glass art, Denoux hopes each of us can
experience an appreciation of pure beauty through the light passing through
each piece.
我的獨特風格是使用現代材料如無釉瓷磚和玻璃馬賽克與我獨有傳統技術混合在一起,使每件藝術品能創做出超越時空與過去,現在,未來三個不同空間同時存在一起。在彩琉璃工藝裡, 我的作品是把我獨有傳統的馬賽克技術與光兩者的獨特美感集成在一起, 透過彩琉璃工藝技術把原始的美麗情感從琉璃展現在我們每個人的眼中。 我只與私人客戶,室內設計師和建築師合作, 那是因為我想我的每件藝術品能與整個設計配合在一起。